Topic outline
- Culinary Pro-am Challenge
- Culinary-Pro-am - Identify your level of culinary knowledge.
Culinary-Pro-am - Identify your level of culinary knowledge.
Few achieve reaching the top of the culinary knowledge ladder, some reach the middle, still more are on an upward journey, while some are at the bottom, yet, a whole lot more don't even know there is a ladder.
What do you think you know? Attempt this challenge to assess where you are on a benchmarked assessment. There are seven levels:
Level 1 Eats to live - Level 2 Domestic cook - Level 3 Foodie - Level 4 Commis / Trainee - Level 5 Industry Cook/Chef - Level 6 Professional Chef - Level 7 Master Chef
LEVEL 1: (0% - 10%) General Public - Eats to live.
LEVEL 2: (10.1% - 15%) Domestic home cook - Food preparation by the average citizen cooking for the home. Aware of the significance of good food on health and wellbeing of family.
LEVEL 3: (15.1% - 20%) Foodie - The average citizen who has a focused interest or hobby in good food.
LEVEL 4: (20.1% - 35%) Commis / Trainee - aspiring commercial chef about to graduate from an accredited formal qualification.
LEVEL 5: (35.1% - 55%) Intermediate Industry Chef, semi-skilled or self-appointed with limited training and restricted experience.
LEVEL 6: (55.1% - 76%) Professional Chef – Commercially Experienced. Promising Master Chef. Offered the opportunity to attempt Master Chef assessment.
LEVEL 7: (76.1% - 100%) Probable Professional Master Chef - Demonstrates an exceptional level of skills, attitude, knowledge, and experience. Approved to attempt Master Chef assessment.
- Time required (undisturbed) 45 Minutes
- Open “Culinary - Pro-am” Challenge below
- Read the instructions carefully
- Answer the questions accurately
- Click "FINISH ATTEMPT" ( Right corner of screen)
- You now will see your score and estimated level
A personalised certificate that shows your achievement will be able to be downloaded as a pdf file ready for printing.
This challenge will automatically submit when times limit expires.
An applicant that achieves an assessment of “Professional Chef or above “will be approved to attempt the Master Chef Supplementary Assessment.
There are three levels of excellence in Master Chef
- Master Chef
- Master Chef with Credit
- Master Chef with Distinction