Topic outline

  • Assesses the culinary knowledge of a Master Chef

    Professional : cooks, chefs, head chefs, executive chefs who have believe they have achieved Mastery level

    Entry to this supplementary assessment requires achieving :Professional Chef" level in the Pro-am assessment.

    Between 2011 and 2014, from over 600 global contestants, Auschef .com established several “World Champions in Culinary Knowledge” from Scotland, Sweden, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand and more.

    The average Master Chef score in that era was 7.6  and professionals who achieved World Champion status needed to score in excess of 9.4 

    In this assessment there are three levels of Master Chef that can be achieved.


    • Benchmarks -  (9.1 - 10 = MASTER CHEF WITH DISTINCTION) indicates an exceptional level of culinary knowledge and in the top 10% of commercial professional chefs globally.
    • Benchmarks -  (7.21 - 9 = MASTER CHEF WITH CREDIT) indicates an excellent level of culinary knowledge, well above the average commercial professional chef and in the top 20% of commercial chefs globally. 
    • Benchmarks -  (6.1 - 7.2 = MASTER CHEF) indicates a good level of culinary knowledge, above the average commercial professional chef.
    • Below 61% The initial assessment in the Pro-am assessment stands.
    • Scores identified in the "assessment achieved" are not definitive. This assessment is programmed to identify a participant into a CATEGORY of achievement established by historical minimum - maximum benchmarks. E.G.  A score above 6.1 (or 61%) and 7.2 identifies a Master chef level of knowledge and any score between is basically equal in that category. The same principle applies in higher achievements.

    The system will feedback your % score. A  personalised certificate that shows your achievement  as a rank will be able to be downloaded as a pdf file ready for printing.